De grappigste huwelijkstweets om je deze week door te helpen (2024)

Huwelijkzit vol hoogtepunten, dieptepunten en een heleboel gewone momenten daartussenin. Op de een of andere manier blijven de getrouwde mensen op X, voorheen bekend als Twitter, humor vinden in de details van het huwelijksleven.

Elke week verzamelen we de grappigste huwelijkstweets op het platform. Lees verder voor 20 herkenbare dingen waar je instemmend om kunt lachen.


echtgenoot: Dus, begrijp je dit Kate Middleton-gedoe

Ik, ogen wijd open van opwinding om eindelijk mijn scriptieverklaring af te leggen: oké, luister eens

— Die moeder Tho (@mom_tho)15 maart 2024


Echtgenoot: Ik denk dat ik de garage ga opruimen.

Ik: Zeg meer van dat soort sexy dingen.

— Hollie Harris (@allholls)16 maart 2024


Ik ga mijn vrouw en kinderen verrassen met een klein winkeluitje op zaterdag, ik hoop dat ze het leuk vinden om mulch te kopen.

— Simon Holland (@simoncholland)14 maart 2024



Voordat ik trouwde, waarschuwde niemand me over hoe het zou kunnen zijn om samen te leven met iemand die elke dag 20 minuten lang een ongelooflijk luide elektrische tandenborstel gebruikt. Omg help alsjeblieft, ik heb huwelijkstherapie nodig en misschien een tweede huis

— Eli McCann (@EliMcCann)17 maart 2024


Ik: Wat eten we vanavond?

Vrouw: Ik ben bloemkooltaco's aan het maken en...

Ik: [al bij McDonald's]

— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix)12 maart 2024


Ik heb per ongeluk de handlotion van mijn schoonmoeder gebruikt en nu kan ik niet meer stoppen met zeggen: “maar zo ben ik gewoon niet opgevoed.”

— DonutHawk (@StruggleDisplay)13 maart 2024


Mijn man en ik hebben vanavond NUL kinderen thuis. Wat doen we?

Ga naar Costco.

— Sarcastische mama (@sarcasticmommy4)15 maart 2024


Ik was dit weekend de stad uit en mijn man bleef thuis. Je zou denken dat hij golfde of uitging, maar nee, mijn man heeft Game of Thrones opnieuw opgestart. Ik vroeg hoe ver hij was, denkend aan seizoen 1, en hij zei seizoen 5, aflevering 3. Vrienden, ik was 72 uur weg en hij keek 43 uur tv.

— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer)18 maart 2024


Toen ik mijn man ontmoette, zei ik dat ik in Brooklyn woonde, ook al woonde ik eigenlijk in Connecticut, en hij zei dat hij in Brooklyn woonde, ook al was hij eigenlijk alleen maar op bezoek vanuit Minnesota. Maar tegen alle verwachtingen in kwamen we samen omdat we een fundamentele waarde deelden. Liegen

— ely kreimendahl (@ElyKreimendahl)12 maart 2024



De ene dag ben je jong en zorgeloos en de volgende dag klaag je tegen je man dat je denkt dat Land o’ Lakes hun Amerikaanse kaasrecept heeft veranderd omdat het gewoon niet zo gemakkelijk uit elkaar valt zoals vroeger.

— Middelmatige moeder (@MiddelmatigeMamaa)14 maart 2024


Mijn man heeft een leeftijd bereikt waarop hij de menukaart hardop voorleest. Het hele menu.
En dan heeft hij vragen.
Stuur alstublieft hulp.

— zesvoetcandy (@sixfootcandy)12 maart 2024


Gedachten en gebeden voor de tandarts van onze kinderen, die vanochtend tegen mijn vrouw zei dat ze moest kalmeren.

— Dadman Wandelen (@dadmann_walking)14 maart 2024



Mijn man gebruikt mijn telefoon om tiktok te kijken en vervolgens sms't hij zichzelf video's, zodat hij ze vanaf zijn telefoon naar mij terug kan sms'en als hij er een vindt die hij wil dat ik zie en het is een totale chaos.

— Eli McCann (@EliMcCann)18 maart 2024


Ik zeg niet dat 'Anatomie van een val' mij heeft beïnvloed, maar ik heb mijn man vandaag twee keer een sms gestuurd om hem te vertellen dat ik de badkuip en later de keukenvloer heb schoongemaakt en dat ik niet mag uitglijden en vallen omdat ik niet wil worden neergezet op proef.

— (@BenjaminJS)17 maart 2024


Ik weet niet waarom ze me niet mag, zegt mijn man dreigend op de kat af te rennen.

— Te laat op het feest Laura (@ericamorecambe)12 maart 2024



Had een droom dat mijn man een slang naar binnen bracht om aan de kinderen te laten zien en deze raakte los, dus nu moeten we het huis verkopen

— meghan (@deloisivete)18 maart 2024


Mijn man doet dit schattige kleine ding als hij me vertelt dat ik geen foto van onze parkeerplaats hoef te maken, omdat hij zich zal herinneren waar we geparkeerd staan, en dan besteden we 20 minuten aan het proberen te onthouden waar hij heeft geparkeerd.

— zesvoetcandy (@sixfootcandy)14 maart 2024


De beste detectives ter wereld zijn vrouwen. Daar zei ik het.

— Boyd's achtertuin™ (@TheBoydP)13 maart 2024



Ik wenste mijn man een "gelukkig jubileum" (niet ons jubileum) en zijn fractie van een seconde van paniek voordat hij de juiste datum had berekend, was gewoonweg heerlijk

— Lil Bit 🌈 (@LizerReal)14 maart 2024


Ik had ongeveer 8 seconden nodig om de situatie van Kate Middleton aan mijn Franse echtgenoot uit te leggen voordat hij me, met de meest Frans denkbare stem, zei: "Ach ja, daarom hebben we besloten om dat soort mensen niet meer te hebben."

— Janel Comeau (@VeryBadLlama)14 maart 2024

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Dit jaar staat er veel op het spel, en onze dekking voor 2024 kan voortdurende steun gebruiken. Als de omstandigheden zijn veranderd sinds u voor het laatst heeft bijgedragen, hopen we dat u overweegt nogmaals een bijdrage te leveren aan HuffPost.

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and physically, then offers back to his reader the insight needed for their own self-discovery into what they find sexually fulfilling.

“This book is great for anyone who wants to understand what makes their erotic life rev up or stall out. It isn't a how-to book; it's a judgment-free exploration of the variety of erotic responses humans can experience. It is sprinkled with stories from ‘The Group’ people who shared their peak experiences with the author. If you've ever wondered how to combine intimacy and lust in relationships, you might find some answers here.”Wendy Sellers (aka The Puberty Lady) a Michigan-based therapist with a focus on educating children and parents in preparation for puberty and adolescence.","source":"","title":"\"The Erotic Mind\" by Jack Morin","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[{"text":"$14.65 at Amazon","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":52,"positionInSubUnit":61,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"$19.99 at Barnes & Noble","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":53,"positionInSubUnit":62}],"meta":null,"credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"65c0897f2200001f00fb1225.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"The late Dr. Jack Morin was a San Francisco-based sex therapist who focused on not just the factors that make great sex, but also the development and evolution of relationships. His book, “The Erotic Mind,” is an analysis of 1,000 different climactic sexual experiences. The subject matter alone is enough to titillate even the most timid of readers, but Morin goes further than just a voyeuristic look into people’s most intense encounters. He examines what made these experiences fulfilling emotionally and physically, then offers back to his reader the insight needed for their own self-discovery into what they find sexually fulfilling. 

“This book is great for anyone who wants to understand what makes their erotic life rev up or stall out. It isn't a how-to book; it's a judgment-free exploration of the variety of erotic responses humans can experience. It is sprinkled with stories from ‘The Group’ people who shared their peak experiences with the author. If you've ever wondered how to combine intimacy and lust in relationships, you might find some answers here.”Wendy Sellers (aka The Puberty Lady) a Michigan-based therapist with a focus on educating children and parents in preparation for puberty and adolescence.","credit":"Amazon","height":944,"width":950,"ops":""},"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":51,"imagePositionInSubUnit":59,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":944,"height":948,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"65c08821e4b040e1d6947af8","caption":"Esther Perel is a psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling author, with a practice based in New York City and a knack for understanding modern love and erotic intelligence. Her book, “Mating in Captivity,” is an international bestseller that, according to the publisher, examines the “paradoxical relationship between domesticity and sexual desire,” and the ways to maintain that desire. Utilizing her decades of experience as a relationship and couples therapist in addition to various case studies, Perel’s book is like a honest breath of fresh air when it comes to matters of the bedroom.

“Perel's work is a must-read for anybody seeking to better understand why desire fades in long-term relationships. Every couple dreads that moment of realization — the one when it dawns on you that you’ve got the sexual blahs. Perel highlights the critical factors at play, helping readers to understand why humans have trouble wanting that which they already have. Readers are challenged to consider how intimacy begets sexuality, how security saps erotic vitality, and how fire needs air. Lovers are enlightened on the importance of erotic independence, investing in one's erotic plot, and how couples can feel more alive. Perel helps readers to focus on how to want what they already have.” Yvonne K. Fulbright, an author, relationship expert and AASECT-certified sexuality educator.","source":"","title":"\"Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence” by Esther Perel","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[{"text":"$12.96 at Amazon","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":48,"positionInSubUnit":56,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"$17.66 at","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":49,"positionInSubUnit":57},{"text":"$16.99 at Barnes & Noble","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":50,"positionInSubUnit":58}],"meta":null,"credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"65c08820230000154c807f77.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Esther Perel is a psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling author, with a practice based in New York City and a knack for understanding modern love and erotic intelligence. Her book, “Mating in Captivity,” is an international bestseller that, according to the publisher, examines the “paradoxical relationship between domesticity and sexual desire,” and the ways to maintain that desire. Utilizing her decades of experience as a relationship and couples therapist in addition to various case studies, Perel’s book is like a honest breath of fresh air when it comes to matters of the bedroom.

“Perel's work is a must-read for anybody seeking to better understand why desire fades in long-term relationships. Every couple dreads that moment of realization — the one when it dawns on you that you’ve got the sexual blahs. Perel highlights the critical factors at play, helping readers to understand why humans have trouble wanting that which they already have. Readers are challenged to consider how intimacy begets sexuality, how security saps erotic vitality, and how fire needs air. Lovers are enlightened on the importance of erotic independence, investing in one's erotic plot, and how couples can feel more alive. Perel helps readers to focus on how to want what they already have.” Yvonne K. Fulbright, an author, relationship expert and AASECT-certified sexuality educator.","credit":"Amazon","height":948,"width":944,"ops":""},"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":47,"imagePositionInSubUnit":54,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":948,"height":946,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"65c083a2e4b05c8779fa311a","caption":"Regarded as one of the latest and most essential reads on sexual wellness, and also the only book that was suggested by nearly every sex therapist that HuffPost reached out to, “Come As You Are,” by sex educator and author Emily Nagoski, focuses on women’s sexuality using relevant and recent data. Nagoski dives into science, anatomy, hormones and so many other varied components that play a role in sex — all in a way that’s accessible for any reader. She’s also recently published a follow-up book, “Come Together: The Science (and Art!) of Creating Lasting Sexual Connections,” which focuses more on maintaining a sexual relationship with your partner that evolves instead of drying up.

“I suggest this book for all to read. Dr. Nagoski offers research, examples and exercise for all to explore what women's experience of sexuality looks like. Not every piece of the text will fit for all, and the idea that sexuality exists within the context of the air we breathe as we grow into ourselves is priceless.” — Hilleren

“[It’s] revolutionary in the sense of how it reframes female sexuality and normalizes the different aspects of it by including discussions on female and male sexual anatomy, desire/arousability, stress/trauma, societal norms and org*sms. The book also includes worksheets that I find are very helpful to use with my clients and are very reflective for anyone reading the book!” — Gerdts","source":"","title":"\"Come As You Are\" by Emily Nagoski","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[{"text":"$15.71 at Amazon","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":44,"positionInSubUnit":51,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"$18.59 at","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":45,"positionInSubUnit":52},{"text":"$19.99 at Barnes & Noble","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":46,"positionInSubUnit":53}],"meta":null,"credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"65c083a12200001e00ad5aef.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Regarded as one of the latest and most essential reads on sexual wellness, and also the only book that was suggested by nearly every sex therapist that HuffPost reached out to, “Come As You Are,” by sex educator and author Emily Nagoski, focuses on women’s sexuality using relevant and recent data. Nagoski dives into science, anatomy, hormones and so many other varied components that play a role in sex — all in a way that’s accessible for any reader. She’s also recently published a follow-up book, “Come Together: The Science (and Art!) of Creating Lasting Sexual Connections,” which focuses more on maintaining a sexual relationship with your partner that evolves instead of drying up. 

“I suggest this book for all to read. Dr. Nagoski offers research, examples and exercise for all to explore what women's experience of sexuality looks like. Not every piece of the text will fit for all, and the idea that sexuality exists within the context of the air we breathe as we grow into ourselves is priceless.” — Hilleren

“[It’s] revolutionary in the sense of how it reframes female sexuality and normalizes the different aspects of it by including discussions on female and male sexual anatomy, desire/arousability, stress/trauma, societal norms and org*sms. The book also includes worksheets that I find are very helpful to use with my clients and are very reflective for anyone reading the book!” — Gerdts","credit":"Amazon","height":946,"width":948,"ops":""},"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":43,"imagePositionInSubUnit":49,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":948,"height":948,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"65c08309e4b05c8779fa2ffd","caption":"“This is Nagoski’s companion book to her well-received first book ‘Come As You Are’ in which she colloquially explains the scientific measure the Dual Control Model, first introduced by researchers Dr. John Bancroft and Dr. Erik Janssen, [which] presents the framework that sexual desire is the combination of excitation and inhibition processes, which need to be in balance for a person to feel erotically turned on. This follow-up book by Nagoski is user-friendly and filled with both education and journal prompts that allow the reader to really take a mindful dive into what contexts they need to fully feel: desire, pleasure and arousal.” Sari Cooper, certified sex therapist, relationship expert and director of The Center for Love and Sex in New York City.","source":"","title":"“The Come As You Are Workbook: A Practical Guide to the Science of Sex” by Emily Nagoski","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[{"text":"$15.05 at Amazon","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":40,"positionInSubUnit":46,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"$16.73 at","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":41,"positionInSubUnit":47},{"text":"$17.99 at Barnes & Noble","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":42,"positionInSubUnit":48}],"meta":null,"credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"65c083082200001e00fb1212.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"“This is Nagoski’s companion book to her well-received first book ‘Come As You Are’ in which she colloquially explains the scientific measure the Dual Control Model, first introduced by researchers Dr. John Bancroft and Dr. Erik Janssen, [which] presents the framework that sexual desire is the combination of excitation and inhibition processes, which need to be in balance for a person to feel erotically turned on. This follow-up book by Nagoski is user-friendly and filled with both education and journal prompts that allow the reader to really take a mindful dive into what contexts they need to fully feel: desire, pleasure and arousal.” Sari Cooper, certified sex therapist, relationship expert and director of The Center for Love and Sex in New York City.","credit":"Amazon","height":948,"width":948,"ops":""},"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":39,"imagePositionInSubUnit":44,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":944,"height":946,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"65c086d1e4b040e1d69474bc","caption":"Clinical sexologist Ian Kerner is here to demystify what too many have wondered — how to make sure that “she comes first.” His sex book guides the valiant in their quest of mutual climaxes, and contends the best way to achieve this is on the “tip of the tongue.” Kerner passionately believes the key to a female org*sm is more likely to happen with oral sex and that it’s much more than foreplay, but rather the foundational base to great sex. With techniques and methods for the ultimate in sexual efficacy, think of “She Comes First,” as like an easy-to-read user’s manual to the vagin* and sexual intimacy.

“It is a practical and accessible read for men and women who choose to be with a female partner.” — Nasserzadeh","source":"","title":"\"She Comes First\" by Ian Kerner","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[{"text":"$18.99 at Amazon","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":36,"positionInSubUnit":41,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"$16.73 at","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":37,"positionInSubUnit":42},{"text":"$18.99 at Barnes & Noble","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":38,"positionInSubUnit":43}],"meta":null,"credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"65c086d02200002000fb121a.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Clinical sexologist Ian Kerner is here to demystify what too many have wondered — how to make sure that “she comes first.” His sex book guides the valiant in their quest of mutual climaxes, and contends the best way to achieve this is on the “tip of the tongue.” Kerner passionately believes the key to a female org*sm is more likely to happen with oral sex and that it’s much more than foreplay, but rather the foundational base to great sex. With techniques and methods for the ultimate in sexual efficacy, think of “She Comes First,” as like an easy-to-read user’s manual to the vagin* and sexual intimacy. 

“It is a practical and accessible read for men and women who choose to be with a female partner.” — Nasserzadeh","credit":"Amazon","height":946,"width":944,"ops":""},"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":35,"imagePositionInSubUnit":40,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":950,"height":948,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"65c08915e4b00a3fe3673205","caption":"Nadia Bolz-Weber might make a surprising author for a sex book considering she’s an ordained Lutheran pastor. But she’s not here to shame you out of your kinks. Bolz-Weber is well known in progressive Christian circles as being welcoming, honest and not at all interested in “antiquated ideas about sex, gender, and our bodies,” according to her publisher. Knowing how damaging puritanical prejudices can be, Bolz-Weber wrote “Shameless: A Sexual Reformation,” to do just what the title suggests — provide a renovated understanding of sex that’s free from judgment. Her book crafts a journey that acknowledges the occasionally destructive, guilt-based and archaic views that Christianity has surrounding sex. And using bluntness and humor, Bolz-Weber provides a healing path for intimacy for those who have been impacted by any religion-related shame.

“Did you grow up in the midst of purity culture? Have you been steeped in religious training that emphasizes the ‘thou shalt nots’ and ignores sexuality as part of every individual's wholeness? Well, it's time for a personal reformation, and this book will help you knit together the spiritual with the sensual and sexual.” — Sellers","source":"","title":"\"Shameless: A Sexual Reformation\" by Nadia Bolz-Weber","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[{"text":"$12.86 at Amazon","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":33,"positionInSubUnit":38,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"$25 at Barnes & Noble","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":34,"positionInSubUnit":39}],"meta":null,"credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"65c089132200001900fb1223.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Nadia Bolz-Weber might make a surprising author for a sex book considering she’s an ordained Lutheran pastor. But she’s not here to shame you out of your kinks. Bolz-Weber is well known in progressive Christian circles as being welcoming, honest and not at all interested in “antiquated ideas about sex, gender, and our bodies,” according to her publisher. Knowing how damaging puritanical prejudices can be, Bolz-Weber wrote “Shameless: A Sexual Reformation,” to do just what the title suggests — provide a renovated understanding of sex that’s free from judgment. Her book crafts a journey that acknowledges the occasionally destructive, guilt-based and archaic views that Christianity has surrounding sex. And using bluntness and humor, Bolz-Weber provides a healing path for intimacy for those who have been impacted by any religion-related shame.  

“Did you grow up in the midst of purity culture? Have you been steeped in religious training that emphasizes the ‘thou shalt nots’ and ignores sexuality as part of every individual's wholeness? Well, it's time for a personal reformation, and this book will help you knit together the spiritual with the sensual and sexual.” — Sellers","credit":"Amazon","height":948,"width":950,"ops":""},"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":32,"imagePositionInSubUnit":37,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":950,"height":944,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"65c08895e4b05c8779fa3e53","caption":"Author and activist Adrienne Brown's book “Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good,” aims to make pleasure and social justice harmonious. By practicing “pleasure activism,” and pulling from what Brown calls “Black feminist tradition,” she guides her readers to find a base for their sexual identity in healing. It’s composed of essays, poems, interviews and artwork from feminist trailblazers and thinkers like Sonya Renee Taylor, Alexis Pauline Gumbs and more. The essay topics are as vast and multifaceted as sexuality is, with subjects from “sex work to climate change, from race and gender to sex and drugs,” each providing a way of viewing the politics surrounding sex and our bodies in a positive and empowering way.

“I read this book with my clients because it addresses how systems and society sometimes place a dictatorship on how people express their sexuality; how good and how radical it must feel for the female client to see how her performance anxiety was tied to unachievable standards to overperform and please males' bodies? Lastly, by tying race and historical events relating to transpolitics, it adds another layer to how achieving pleasure is a means to achieve justice in a world that constantly pushes against and benefits from the suffering of marginalized communities.” Victoria Gerdts, a Los Angeles-based sex therapist with a focus on sexual advocacy for LGBTQIA+-affirmative, feminist/multicultural and disability justice.","source":"","title":"\"Pleasure Activism: the Politics of Feeling Good\" by Adrienne Brown","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[{"text":"$17.49 at Amazon","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":29,"positionInSubUnit":34,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"$18.60 at","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":30,"positionInSubUnit":35},{"text":"$17.99 at Barnes & Noble","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":31,"positionInSubUnit":36}],"meta":null,"credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"65c088942200005400fb1220.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Author and activist Adrienne Brown's book “Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good,” aims to make pleasure and social justice harmonious. By practicing “pleasure activism,” and pulling from what Brown calls “Black feminist tradition,” she guides her readers to find a base for their sexual identity in healing. It’s composed of essays, poems, interviews and artwork from feminist trailblazers and thinkers like Sonya Renee Taylor, Alexis Pauline Gumbs and more. The essay topics are as vast and multifaceted as sexuality is, with subjects from “sex work to climate change, from race and gender to sex and drugs,” each providing a way of viewing the politics surrounding sex and our bodies in a positive and empowering way.

“I read this book with my clients because it addresses how systems and society sometimes place a dictatorship on how people express their sexuality; how good and how radical it must feel for the female client to see how her performance anxiety was tied to unachievable standards to overperform and please males' bodies? Lastly, by tying race and historical events relating to transpolitics, it adds another layer to how achieving pleasure is a means to achieve justice in a world that constantly pushes against and benefits from the suffering of marginalized communities.” Victoria Gerdts, a Los Angeles-based sex therapist with a focus on sexual advocacy for LGBTQIA+-affirmative, feminist/multicultural and disability justice.","credit":"Amazon","height":944,"width":950,"ops":""},"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":28,"imagePositionInSubUnit":32,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":944,"height":944,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"65c087b0e4b00a3fe3672d14","caption":"Research psychoanalyst Paul Joannides’ illustrated book, “Guide To Getting It On,” was first published in 1998 and continues to be a resource guide for, you guessed it, “getting it on.” The aim of the book is to help not only heighten intimacy, but also increase your own level of sexual pleasure. It easily breaks down sexual anatomy, org*sms and even the ways to best articulate your desires with yourself and your partner, among other things. And, in the most recent edition of this book, you’ll find updated studies and factual information on everything from female org*sms to premature ejacul*tion and plenty of insights on various kinks.

“This text is phenomenal for providing clear and direct information for anyone. Readers will learn about topics they may not have considered including sexual behaviors, websites and social practices. The ‘Guide’ continues to be updated as the world culture changes and is an invaluable resource to practitioners as well as anyone interested in sexuality terms, definitions and practices.”Jennie Hilleren,AASECT-certified sex, marriage and family therapist based in Minnesota. ","source":"","title":"\"Guide to Getting it On\" by Paul Joannides","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[{"text":"$25.49 at Amazon","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":25,"positionInSubUnit":29,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"$25.99 at","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":26,"positionInSubUnit":30},{"text":"$25.49 at Barnes & Noble","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":27,"positionInSubUnit":31}],"meta":null,"credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"65c087af2200001e00fb121e.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Research psychoanalyst Paul Joannides’ illustrated book, “Guide To Getting It On,” was first published in 1998 and continues to be a resource guide for, you guessed it, “getting it on.” The aim of the book is to help not only heighten intimacy, but also increase your own level of sexual pleasure. It easily breaks down sexual anatomy, org*sms and even the ways to best articulate your desires with yourself and your partner, among other things. And, in the most recent edition of this book, you’ll find updated studies and factual information on everything from female org*sms to premature ejacul*tion and plenty of insights on various kinks.

“This text is phenomenal for providing clear and direct information for anyone. Readers will learn about topics they may not have considered including sexual behaviors, websites and social practices. The ‘Guide’ continues to be updated as the world culture changes and is an invaluable resource to practitioners as well as anyone interested in sexuality terms, definitions and practices.”Jennie Hilleren, AASECT-certified sex, marriage and family therapist based in Minnesota. ","credit":"Amazon","height":944,"width":944,"ops":""},"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":24,"imagePositionInSubUnit":27,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":944,"height":946,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"65c08747e4b040e1d69475e3","caption":"Fed up with the ways female sexuality and pleasure are sold, journalist and host of “Girl Boner Radio” August McLaughlin set out to equip women with true sexual empowerment and female enjoyment in her book “Girl Boner.” McLaughlin explores how labels are thrust on women and how culture treats sex, without a nuanced or accurate understanding of female desire. She offers a different perspective, one which provides a more inclusive and sex-positive place for everyone, by utilizing honest narratives, tips, journaling prompts and even a guide into seven different types of org*sms.

“[It’s] an empowering book for younger women to deconstruct the societal messages around their sexuality and own.” — Sara Nasserzadeh, author, sex therapist and advisory board member of the World Association for Sexual Health.","source":"","title":"\"Girl Boner\" by August McLaughlin","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[{"text":"$23.02 at Amazon","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":21,"positionInSubUnit":24,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"$23.24 at","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":22,"positionInSubUnit":25},{"text":"$24.99 at Barnes & Noble","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":23,"positionInSubUnit":26}],"meta":null,"credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"65c087462400001b0028043b.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Fed up with the ways female sexuality and pleasure are sold, journalist and host of “Girl Boner Radio” August McLaughlin set out to equip women with true sexual empowerment and female enjoyment in her book “Girl Boner.” McLaughlin explores how labels are thrust on women and how culture treats sex, without a nuanced or accurate understanding of female desire. She offers a different perspective, one which provides a more inclusive and sex-positive place for everyone, by utilizing honest narratives, tips, journaling prompts and even a guide into seven different types of org*sms.  

“[It’s] an empowering book for younger women to deconstruct the societal messages around their sexuality and own.” — Sara Nasserzadeh, author, sex therapist and advisory board member of the World Association for Sexual Health.","credit":"Amazon","height":946,"width":944,"ops":""},"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":20,"imagePositionInSubUnit":22,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":950,"height":944,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"65c0865ce4b00a3fe36728ac","caption":"Dubbed as Twitter’s resident gynecologist by her followers online, Dr. Jen Gunter is an esteemed OB/GYN and fierce advocate for women’s health. Her encyclopedic book “The vagin* Bible” tackles all things, well, vagin*l and in her introduction Gunter boldly states that she has a “vagenda:'' to inform, educate and empower women with vagin*s and vulvas. In her book she provides accurate advice and facts about things you might not know, are curious to know, or are common misconceptions about all topics from pubic hair to the HPV vaccine.

“It is an informative read which debunks many societal misinformation about the female genitals and reproductive organs in an accessible language.” — Nasserzadeh","source":"","title":"\"The vagin* Bible: The Vulva and the vagin*\" by Dr. Jen Gunter","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[{"text":"$16.95 at Amazon","url":"*-Bible-Vulva-Separating-Medicine/dp/0806539313?tag=kelseyborresen-20&ascsubtag=65f8a491e4b0cb9583b146f7%2C-1%2C-1%2Cd%2C0%2C0%2Chp-fil-am%3D0%2C0%3A0%2C0%2C0%2C0","ampPositionInUnit":17,"positionInSubUnit":19,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"$17.62 at","url":"*-bible-the-vulva-and-the-vagin*-separating-the-myth-from-the-medicine-jen-dr-gunter%2F16712593","ampPositionInUnit":18,"positionInSubUnit":20},{"text":"$16.95 at Barnes & Noble","url":"*-bible-jennifer-gunter%2F1129963581","ampPositionInUnit":19,"positionInSubUnit":21}],"meta":null,"credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"65c0865b2200001f00fb1218.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Dubbed as Twitter’s resident gynecologist by her followers online, Dr. Jen Gunter is an esteemed OB/GYN and fierce advocate for women’s health. Her encyclopedic book “The vagin* Bible” tackles all things, well, vagin*l and in her introduction Gunter boldly states that she has a “vagenda:'' to inform, educate and empower women with vagin*s and vulvas. In her book she provides accurate advice and facts about things you might not know, are curious to know, or are common misconceptions about all topics from pubic hair to the HPV vaccine.

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If you take nothing else away from the book, please remember that sex does not need to decrease in quality in long-term relationships but instead can be the perfect playground for exploration.” — Ebert","source":"","title":"“Magnificent Sex: Lessons from Extraordinary Lovers” by Peggy Kleinplatz & A. 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Author: Delena Feil

Last Updated:

Views: 6129

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.